Preschool Registration Flyers
The Hoboken Early Childhood Education Program offers state funded Full-Day Preschool to qualifying 3 and 4 year old Hoboken residents.
Requirements for Participation:
- Children must be 3 years old by September 30, 2025 (DOB between 10/1/2021-9/30/2022)
- Children must be 4 years old by September 30, 2025 (DOB between 10/1/2020-9/30/2021)
- Children must be residents of the City of Hoboken
Required Documentation for Registration
1.2025-2026 Pre-K Enrollment Application
2.Copy of Child's Birth Certificate
3. Proof of Immunizations (view NJ Vaccination Requirements | view Recommended Immunization Schedule)
4.Current Physical - Universal Health Record Form (download here) All highlighted areas must be completed by physician.
5. One (1) of the following in the Parent's name and Hoboken address:
- Property Tax bill or Mortgage Statement
- Full original current lease (all pages) in parent's name - signed by landlord and tenant
- If you rent your home, renewal lease with current dates and signed by landlord and tenant
6. Two (2) of the following in the parent's name and resident address:
- Credit Card Statement (current)
7. Parent/Legal Guardian Photo Identification
Health Requirements for Preschool Registration
Immunization requirements for children to attend child care, preschool and school in New Jersey are established by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) as per N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.
Proof of Vaccination is required to be submitted upon enrollment. An official vaccination record clearly stating the name of the child, date of birth and vaccination dates for each dose must be presented upon enrollment into the program (Foreign records must be transcribed into English).
All immunizations must be in accordance with NJ Vaccination Requirements for School Attendance for a child to attend the program.
Vaccines required for PRESCHOOL attendance are as follows:
DTaP - 4 doses
Polio (IPV) - 3 doses
MMR- 1 dose after 1st birthday
Varicella - 1 dose after 1st birthday
HIB - 1 dose after 1st birthday
PCV - 1 dose after 1st birthday
Influenza - 1 dose annually between 9/1 - 12/31
Physical Exams:
A Physical Exam is required to be submitted for enrollment and must be updated annually while attending the program.
The physical exam must be completed within 12 months of starting school and should be in alignment with the child’s current age at the start of school in order to be valid for enrollment into the program.
The “Universal Child Health Record” is the official physical exam form for the program and is provided here for your convenience. (UCHR-NJ)
Health Concerns:
It is helpful to discuss health concerns before your child starts school for proper preparation and/or planning. If your child has a health condition or concern or if you have any health related questions, please call the ECE Department at 201-356-3695.
Placement Determination
Priority placements are given to children who meet any of the following criteria:
- Children with Special Needs/IEP as confirmed by the Office of Special Services and student's IEP. (State regulation)
- Children who are Head Start Eligible or considered Homeless (Federal Poverty Guideline 2019) (download here)
- Children with siblings already enrolled in the Hoboken Public School District in Grades 2-12 for school year 2024-2025. Please note charter schools are not part of the Hoboken Public School District. They are independent schools. (District Accommodation)
If a lottery is needed more information will follow.
Provider/School Location Placement
The preschool providers in conjunction with The Office of Early Childhood will determine the placement of all incoming Pre K students. Based on the number of available seats in each of our eight (8) preschool locations we cannot guarantee that the child will be assigned to the school closest to their home.
Pre K Online Registration Link
To aid in a complete and successful preschool pre registration, please be aware of the following:
- To register your child for PK3 please select 3F
- To register your child for PK4 please select 4F
Preschool Registration Link
Frequently Asked Questions
For Early Childhood Registration questions please contact:
Denise Valentin-Brookes
Early Childhood Clerk
[email protected]
Diana Milne
Community & Parent Involvement Specialist
[email protected]