Passport to Learning operates in Brandt, Calabro, Connors, and Wallace Schools and services children in grades K through 6. This comprehensive after school program runs on full school days from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. Enrichment courses run on a semester cycle. There are a multitude of Monday/Wednesday and Tuesday/Thursday courses, along with Friday Fun Days. Following enrichment daily, students will receive homework help and participate in structured play.
Registration is still available. Visit our website at www.hoboken.k12.nj.us and click on Passport to Learning.
The Passport to Learning Program begins on Monday, September 11th. The first two days of the program will be designed to orient the children to procedures and expectations, and introduce them to staff. Children registered to Passport to Learning will be sent home with detailed packet of information on the first day of school for their parents or guardians.
In the meantime, all questions can be sent directly to Mr. Christopher DellaFave, Program Director, at
[email protected] or (201) 365-3609.
The lead teachers for the Passport to Learning Program at each school are as follows:
Passport to Learning at Brandt School
Coordinators: Nory Rojas
Dedicated After School Program Phone Number for Brandt School (201) 841-8362
Passport to Learning at Calabro School
Coordinators: Geidy DelaRosa
Dedicated After School Program Phone Number for Calabro School (201) 841-0465
Passport to Learning at Connors School
Coordinators: Gwen White
Dedicated After School Program Phone Number for Connors School (201) 841-8722
Passport to Learning at Wallace School
Coordinators: Gabby Taglieri and Christina Arnone
Dedicated After School Program Phone Number for Wallace School (201) 841-8397