NJSIAA Eligibility Rules for Student-Athletes:
1. A student-athlete cannot participate in interscholastic athletics if he or she has reached the age of nineteen (19) prior to September 1st of any year.
2. To be eligible for athletic competition during the first semester (September 1 to January 31) a student must have passed 25% of the credits (30) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation (120), during the immediately preceding academic year. Only 2 courses may be taken during summer school to secure additional credits.
3. To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester (February 1 to June 30) a student must have passed the equivalent of 12.5% of the credits (15) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation (120) at the close of the preceding semester (January 31). Full year courses shall be equated as half of the total credits to be gained for the full year to determine credits passed during the immediately preceding semester.
4. It is recognized that student-athletes may accelerate their academic programs during their first three years of school. As a result, student-athletes may be eligible in the second semester of their SENIOR year even when they carry less than 12.5% or 15 credits during the first semester provided they are meeting the school districts graduation requirements and are PASSING all courses in which they are enrolled at the start of the first semester. A student cannot claim this if they have withdrawn failing (WF) from a class during the first semester. It is recommended that student-athletes entering their senior year take enough courses to meet and exceed the 15 credit requirement in the first semester. It is further recommended that enough credits be taken to meet and exceed the 15 credits even in the event of the failure of one class during the first semester.
5. A student-athlete cannot participate in more than eight (8) consecutive semesters. Therefore the student-athlete may NOT have participated in high school interscholastic athletics in grade 8 or prior.