Middle School Chorus

In Hoboken Middle School Chorus students analyze and sing many different styles of music that will culminate in small ensembles, large group performances and public performances such as the Winter and Spring Music Concerts to showcase their work.  There are also many additional performance opportunities such as the "Tree Lighting" celebration and "Music in the Park" Festivals. Students develop an understanding that all voices are worthwhile and that the dedication of the singer often outweighs the quality of the voice. Chorus allows students to express themselves creatively through performing, listening to, and analyzing music in multitudes of ways from various genres and time periods. Emphasis is placed on warm-up techniques and posture, listening skills and vocal development, rhythmic and melodic sight reading, scales, canons and rounds, tonality, timbre, harmony, articulation, dynamics and tempo, and critique and performance practices.

Chorus meets Tuesday & Thursdays from 3:15-4:15pm.


Music in the Parks- Middle School Choir: 2nd place

Trills & Thrills Festival- Middle School Choir: “Superior” rating
